16 research outputs found

    Caracterizaci贸n de ladriller铆a tradicional producida en la vega del Guadalquivir, en zonas pr贸ximas a Sevilla.

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    In this work it has been established pyshical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of a group of pieces from bricks manufactures situated in the Guadalquivir river banks, in the zone between the city of Seville and the towns of Coria, San Juan de Aznalfarache, Tomares and Castilleja de la Cuesta, which continue working with traditional production systems, as they have been made from centuries. The differences that the processes show respect old traditional techniques are limited to the combustibles utilized in the firing kilns. Samples characterization were done by the study of physical properties according to quality standards tries, chemical analysis of main components and stadistic study of the results, mineralogical qualitative and semicuantitative analysis by X ray diffraction and thermal analysis by DTA and thermogravimetry. The pieces of this study were initially classified in two groups according to the paste colour (red or yellow). The yellow one present a fine grain texture related with the raw materials; differential characteristics observed were partially confirmed by the results obtained. Chemical compositions are different, red pieces show a higher mechanical compression resistance, while suction and absortion values are similar. Mineralogycal composition does not show important differences between groups (1). It have been confirmed the homogenity in the parameters analyzed and the relationships between them, from the statistical factorial analysis. Temperatures reached in the firing process have beeen established according to the syntetic minerals detected in the mineralogical analysis. Physical tries results and morfological differences are due to the manual moulding process and irregular manufacturing system.<br><br>En el presente trabajo se han establecido las caracter铆sticas f铆sicas, qu铆micas y mineral贸gicas de un grupo de piezas procedentes de las ladrilleras situadas en la vega del r铆o Guadalquivir, en la zona situada entre Sevilla, Coria, San Juan de Aznalfarache, Tomares y Castilleja de la Cuesta, y que contin煤an funcionando con un sistema de producci贸n latericia tradicional, similar a la que se ha venido empleando desde hace siglos. Las variaciones que presenta el proceso de fabricaci贸n con respecto a la t茅cnica de elaboraci贸n seguida desde hace siglos se limitan casi exclusivamente a los combustibles utilizados en los hornos de cocci贸n. La caracterizaci贸n de los materiales se ha realizado mediante el estudio de propiedades f铆sicas mediante ensayos normalizados, an谩lisis qu铆mico de componentes mayoritarios y estudio estad铆stico de resultados, an谩lisis mineral贸gico por difracci贸n de rayos X con valoraci贸n semicuantitativa de resultados y an谩lisis t茅rmico mediante ATD y termogravimetr铆a. Las piezas estudiadas se han separado inicialmente en dos grupos, seg煤n la coloraci贸n amarilla o rojiza de la pasta cer谩mica, presentando el primero una textura m谩s fina producto de la materia prima; estas caracter铆sticas diferenciadoras descritas a priori se han visto parcialmente confirmadas por los resultados obtenidos; l贸gicamente las composiciones qu铆micas son diferentes, las piezas rojizas presentan una mayor resistencia a compresi贸n, mientras que los ensayos de succi贸n y absorci贸n son similares. Independientemente de la influencia de las transformaciones que se producen durante la cocci贸n en la coloraci贸n, en la composici贸n mineral贸gica no se aprecian diferencias sustanciales entre los dos grupos (1). Se ha comprobado la homogeneidad y la correlaci贸n existente en los distintos par谩metros analizados en funci贸n del an谩lisis estad铆stico factorial, as铆 como entre ellos; y se han establecido las temperaturas alcanzadas durante la cocci贸n en funci贸n de la presencia de minerales sint茅ticos en la composici贸n mineral贸gica. Los resultados de los ensayos f铆sicos y las diferencias existentes en el dimensionado de las piezas est谩n acordes con el proceso manual seguido y las deficiencias del proceso de fabricaci贸n

    Sustainability of traditional materials and techniques in the Mediterranean cities

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    To analyse Sustainability in refurbishment of buildings, it is necessary to determine if traditional materials or techniques are so. We have to develop studies about traditional materials, durability, maintenance, the influence of climate, and the compatibility with metals or plastics, taking attention not only in technical aspects but also economic. The normalisation has to be adapted to the different conditions in the north and in the south of Europe. We analyse in this document some criteria to consider in normalisation of buildings Refurbishment: from the previous studies to the final product

    Citizenship as an input in the assessment of sustainability in architecture and urbanism

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    In the Mediterranean countries, the income ofthe building and city models from the North of Europe, has produce a change in the persons way of living. The traditional courtyard housing, the open and kind squares, the fresh and narrow streets, have been substituted by high buildings, hard concrete urban places and wide avenues. The protection against the environment of the traditional facades has been turned to thin walls and transparent surfaces. The texture of brick, stone or wood is been replaced with metal, plastic and glass. The well-being of the people is affected by aspects like acces, air, light, acoustic and visual contamination, the reduced account of open and green spaces in the city, the inadequate distribution of social activities places or buildings, the traffic, causing the appearance of illnesses like anxiousness or stress. The psychosocial well-being depends on psychological, physics and social factors. In Sustainable Architecture, Urbanism, and Construction, the investigations to define economic and environmental criteria to evaluate the sustainability of products and process, are numerous, and the social criteria studies are almost forget. We have to achieve the main target of offering to the people appropriate environment (cities, buildings and infrastructure) that help to improve the quality of their live, that reduce the negative impacts on the health and on the social, cultural or working activities. To achieve the challenge "Cities for all" and "Sustainable communities", we have to analyse the ways of living and the needs of each social group, from children and their caretaker, aged people, handicapped, immigrants, tourists .... Each of them with different needs but related. In this document we analyse the different social groups, their activities developed in the city and the negative impacts of the urban environment and the influence in the quality of live, to define an assessment methodology of the sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism from social criteria

    Durabilidad del hormig贸n. Influencia de la concentraci贸n de cloruros en el agua de amasado y en disoluci贸n

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    The most aggressive situation which is responsible for most of the cases of steel reinforcement corrosion in concrete, takes place when chlorides are present in the environment. These chlorides destroy the passivating film of steel and promote the denominated pitting corrosion. In order to study the demonstrated corrosive action of chloride ions on concrete structures, a number of experiments have been designed, to quantify the effect of different amounts of this ion in concrete. Several mixes have been prepared with portland cement type II-C-35 to which it has been added, as an additive in mixing water, NaCl in increasing concentrations. The samples obtained were submerged in different dissolutions of NaCl. From the results obtained it is clear that the chloride content in mixing water does not affect the flux of calcium ions; however, its influence on the flux of chloride ions is significant. Likewise, it is confirmed that the existence of chloride ions in dissolution influences the migration of calcium and chloride ions.La situaci贸n m谩s agresiva, y la responsable del mayor n煤mero de casos de corrosi贸n de armaduras en el hormig贸n, se da cuando en el ambiente hay presencia de cloruros, pues 茅stos destruyen de forma puntual la capa pasivante del acero, lo que provoca la denominada corrosi贸n por picaduras. Con objeto de estudiar la demostrada acci贸n perniciosa de los cloruros sobre las estructuras de hormig贸n, se ha dise帽ado un conjunto de ensayos con el fin de cuantificar el efecto de las distintas cantidades de este ion en la masa de hormig贸n. Se han realizado diversas amasadas con cemento tipo II-C-35 a las que se a帽adi贸, como aditivo en el agua de amasado, NaCl en concentraciones crecientes. Las probetas obtenidas se sumergieron en disoluciones de NaCl de distintas concentraciones. De los resultados obtenidos se deduce que la presencia de cloruros en el agua de amasado no afecta al flujo de iones c谩lcicos, mientras que si es significativa su influencia sobre el flujo de iones cloruros. Asimismo, se comprueba la influencia de la presencia de cloruros en disoluci贸n sobre la migraci贸n de iones c谩lcicos y cloruros

    Estudio de la iglesia de San Miguel de Mor贸n (Sevilla). Influencia de los cambios de humedad en la estabilidad del monumento

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    Most of the damages that the brick walls of historical buildings show, have the origin in capillary humidity. The way to remove this capillary humidities, is frequently by the deflection of the freatic level. This method causes the desiccation of the soil where lays the foundation of the building, and when the soil is constituted of clays of high plasticity, it happens processes of retraction, that causes the differential settling of the foundation, affecting negatively to the structure of the building. To explain this fact, we describe the studies realized in the foundation of the church of San Miguel in Mor贸n, Sevilla.Gran parte de los da帽os que sufren las f谩bricas de las edificaciones hist贸ricas, tienen su origen en las humedades de capilaridad. Una de las propuestas para eliminarlas es la desviaci贸n o modificaci贸n del nivel fre谩tico. Ello trae consigo la desecaci贸n del terreno de apoyo de la cimentaci贸n, al pasar de un estado saturado a otro de humedad natural En aquellos casos en los que los suelos de apoyo de la cimentaci贸n est茅n constituidos por arcillas de alta plasticidad se producir铆an procesos de retracci贸n, cuya consecuencia podr铆a ser la aparici贸n de asientos diferenciales, que afectar铆an de forma negativa a la estructura. Para explicar este fen贸meno se describe el estudio realizado en la iglesia de San Miguel de Mor贸n de la Frontera (Sevilla)

    Estudio de la cimentaci贸n de los pilares de la Catedral de Sevilla

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    This study is done in order to answer a double request. On one hand to know the typology of foundation and the typology of the bearing soil of pillars of the cathedral in Seville, and on the other hand to determine if the existing cracks have a geotechnical origin. The accomplished research let us know that foundation is 1m overwide relative to the column section, and 5.70 - 5.90 m deep. As regards bearing soil, its geotechnical characteristics have been proved, so it may be deduced that the long period (90 years) for the construction of pillars, vaults and decks, allowed a slow consolidation and drainage of soil that have avoided a possible collapse or fall. According to this conclusion, the research will continue focusing now on the study of the characteristics of pillars and on the possible reasons that have provoked the appearance of fissures. From a geoarchaeological point of view, significant data of the occupational level of this area have been obtained. There are important conclusions to be drawn from the accomplished research about the sequence of occupation of this area since 1,000 years B.C.Se realiza el presente estudio atendiendo a una doble demanda. De un lado, conocer la tipolog铆a de la cimentaci贸n y del terreno de apoyo de los pilares de la catedral de Sevilla y, de otro, determinar si las fisuras que presentan las mismas tienen un origen geot茅cnico. La investigaci贸n realizada ha permitido conocer que la cimentaci贸n tiene un sohreancho de 1m en relaci贸n con la secci贸n del pilar y una profundidad de 5,70 - 5,90 m. En cuanto al terreno de apoyo, se han comprobado sus caracter铆sticas geot茅cnicas, deduci茅ndose que el largo per铆odo de construcci贸n de los pilares, b贸vedas y cubiertas (90 a帽os) permiti贸 una lenta consolidaci贸n y drenaje del terreno, lo que evit贸 posibles desplomes o ca铆das. Esta conclusi贸n determina la continuaci贸n de la investigaci贸n que se centrar谩, ahora, en el estudio de las caracter铆sticas de los pilares y de las posibles causas que han podido propiciar la aparici贸n de fisuras. Desde el punto de vista de la geoarqueolog铆a se han obtenido datos importantes sobre el nivel ocupacional de esta zona. La amplia investigaci贸n realizada ha permitido extraer importantes conclusiones sobre la secuencia de ocupaci贸n de esta zona desde 1.000 a帽os a.C

    Estudio de la cimentaci贸n del Hospital de Las Cinco Llagas de Sevilla

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    En los a帽os 1997-98, se realizaron los estudios previos al proyecto de Restauraci贸n (Segunda Fase) del edificio que alberga la actual sede del Parlamento de Andaluc铆a, el Hospital de Las Cinco Llagas. Esta Segunda Fase de Rehabilitaci贸n del edificio comprende los Patios del Cardenal, de la Fuente y de las Flores. Dichos estudios previos ten铆an un programa de estudio y an谩lisis exhaustivo de todos los elementos estructurales del edificio, aunque en esta comunicaci贸n nos centraremos en el an谩lisis de la cimentaci贸n